The New Age describes the resurgence of interest in traditional Spiritual disciplines seen from the latter part of the 20th century. A reaction against materialism and conventional religion, both of which leave many unfulfilled, The New Age and Spirituality seeks to address fundamental questions of the human condition, such as the very purpose of our existence.

Through many channels (including Spirituality; Karma, Destiny & Free Will; Psychic Development; Guides & Angels; Coincidence & Synchronicity; Dreams; Meditation and the Afterlife to name but a few) we explore the idea that this life, this world, are not the totality of existence, but just a tiny step along an infinite journey...


The Tarot

Magus (I); symbolizes control of ones own destiny (free- will), though this can never be fully achieved it should be aimed for as far as possible (i.e. mind).

High Priestess (II); nature in her esoteric aspect. The eternal mysteries from the face of which the uninitiated cannot lift the veil. Occult science personified, the gate of the occult sanctuary, the doorway between ignorance and understanding (i.e. spirit).

Empress (III); universal fertility, reproduction, continuous evolution, bringer and sustainer of life (i.e. soul).

 Emperor (IV); domination of the physical world, kingship, government, leadership, temporal power. This can be achieved in varying degrees and is a matter of individual choice as to whether this is pursued (i.e. will).

Hierophant (V); spiritual rule, traditional religious teaching available to all, the organized church and all it entails.

The Lovers (VI); the choice between virtue and vice, we all possess a certain amount of free-will and it's up to the individual to use it wisely.

Chariot (VII); victory in the lower plane, the king in his triumph, partly along the road to perfection.

Adjustment (VIII); balance, divine justice, in nature everything moves towards equilibrium.

Hermit (IX); exploration of outer world, seeker, student.

Wheel of Fortune (X); life's ups and downs, the cyclical nature of the cosmos, luck and chance.

Lust (XI); spiritual force and courage, the image of the sacred science when justly applied, the victory of mind over matter.

Hanged Man (XII); voluntary sacrifice, the trading of earthly pleasure for greater heights.

Death (XIII); death of old self, universal transforming principle, the end of one phase is the beginning of another.

Art (XIV); the flowing of the past into the future via the present, a never-ending flow.

Devil (XV); the use of powers for evil purposes, there can be no progress without error, where there is imperfection there can be improvement.

The Tower (XVI); punishment for doing evil, "be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man sows, that shall he also reap", release from the trivial elements of earth-life.

The Star (XVII); the promise of a new and brighter dawn.

The Moon (XVIII); symbolizes three-way composition of the soul - emotional, mental and spiritual; everything in our transitory world is but a resemblance, the spirit travels through several planes on its evolutionary journey.

The Sun (XIX); the dawn after the darkness of the soul's descent into matter.

The Aeon (XX); the day of judgment which may come at any time for anyone, eventually all actions will be accounted for.

The Universe (XXI); the ecstatic state of the soul when it has become fully conscious of its divine origin.

The Fool (0); the mystic, dreamer and beholder of visions. He knows that this world and its wisdom are insignificant compared to the greater reality.

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