The New Age describes the resurgence of interest in traditional Spiritual disciplines seen from the latter part of the 20th century. A reaction against materialism and conventional religion, both of which leave many unfulfilled, The New Age and Spirituality seeks to address fundamental questions of the human condition, such as the very purpose of our existence.

Through many channels (including Spirituality; Karma, Destiny & Free Will; Psychic Development; Guides & Angels; Coincidence & Synchronicity; Dreams; Meditation and the Afterlife to name but a few) we explore the idea that this life, this world, are not the totality of existence, but just a tiny step along an infinite journey...

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

The beginning!

And finally a page here where everyone can exchange their deepest thoughts on Spirituality and New Age. This blog was made to give information about almost all areas that concern the spiritual aspect of the Life and the New Age. Good read !