The New Age describes the resurgence of interest in traditional Spiritual disciplines seen from the latter part of the 20th century. A reaction against materialism and conventional religion, both of which leave many unfulfilled, The New Age and Spirituality seeks to address fundamental questions of the human condition, such as the very purpose of our existence.

Through many channels (including Spirituality; Karma, Destiny & Free Will; Psychic Development; Guides & Angels; Coincidence & Synchronicity; Dreams; Meditation and the Afterlife to name but a few) we explore the idea that this life, this world, are not the totality of existence, but just a tiny step along an infinite journey...


How to Read Auras
It can take a little practice, but seeing auras becomes easy once you get the hang of it. There are some significant benefits to reading the auras of people around you.

What is an Aura:
An aura is the electro-magnetic field or energy field of light that surrounds you. The colours and shapes of auras can provide deep and profound insights into personalities, well being, and states of mind. Certain colours attract.

How to See Auras:
In low diffused lighting, in front of a white background, such as a wall or blank white paper, hold both hands in front of you with your two index fingers pointed forward. Next, shift your gaze slightly out of focus until you see three index fingers, instead of the two. If you wear glasses, simply remove them, so that your eyes are out of focus. Holding your gaze steady, become aware of the “negative” space between your fingers. The “negative” space is the air between your fingers. Keeping your eyes fixed on one spot in the air between your fingers, slowly move your fingers together and apart, continuing back and forth. Do you see a faint glow of light appear? Perhaps you notice a pale colour between your fingers or a highlight around your fingers. When you do, the light you are observing is your aura.
It may take repeated effort before you can see a visible glow of light. However, with enough practice, you will eventually see colours appear with the intensity of a rainbow.

How to Read Auras:
Aura colours closest to the body indicate a person’s personality. For example, Red, Orange and Yellow auras are energy colours indicating people who are very physical, athletic and handy. Blue is a reflection of people who are guided by their feelings and are sensitive to the feelings of others. Green is the colour of cerebral thinkers who use their heads not their hands. Indigos are intuitive and all knowing. Purples are intuitive and far seeing. They are visionary leaders.
When aura colours become muddy or dark they can indicate trouble looming over the horizon. When a colour is murky and blended with black, brown, or gray, it indicates that someone has negative intentions, is acting out of fear, or being destructive. This may also indicate illness.

When we make decisions out of fear, jealousy or revenge, we usually get back what we give out. When we make decisions that are mutually beneficial, with the greater good in mind, they usually benefit everyone.
What are your motivations? Are you coming from a place of fear or love? Once you master seeing auras, you will be better able to understand the motivations of others.

You Have More Than One Aura:
People are surrounded by more than one layer of energy. I find that the two energy fields closest to the body are the most easily viewed by the human eye. The energy fields that are furthest away tend to be fainter in intensity and colour. That being said, if you happen to be in a lucid or meditative state, all the aura colours and layers will intensify and become noticeably more visible, so much that they will almost jump out at you. When that happens, I can think of no more beautiful colours than the aura colours. For me, it is like seeing a glimpse of heaven because you are viewing people’s spirits.

Aura Layer 1
Your ‘etheric’ aura is the energy field that is closest to your body. It radiates out about an eighth or a quarter of an inch. When your body is back-lit by subdued lighting, the etheric aura appears as a fine highlight or line around your entire body. It is directly against your skin.
Aura Layer 2
Your ‘main’ aura radiates much further out. It appears like a large oval mist that surrounds your entire body. Depending upon your energy level, it expands and contracts, and changes in size. Again, it is best viewed in subdued back-lighting.
The two auras that are closest to your body indicate the personality that you were born with. Throughout your lifetime, these aura colours tend to remain relatively consistent. However, as you evolve in consciousness, (i.e. achieve a higher level of vibration through more heightened spiritual awareness), your aura colour will change. A purple aura indicates your connection to all that is spiritual or divine.

Developing Your Aura through Meditation
Time and time again, I keep being reminded of the importance of meditation. When you learn to control your mind through the discipline of meditation or other practices, something amazing begins to happen to your aura. The aura clouds around your body will start to become increasingly dense and defined in shape and structure. With time and practice, they will eventually solidify into a solid shape.
You will know a highly evolved mind when you see them because that person’s aura will have a distinct edge surrounding their main aura. The edge will be so clear that it can be traced with a pencil.
This particular Lama’s aura colour was indigo. Indigo is the colour of the 6th chakra, the third eye chakra, the colour of awareness, inner vision, and higher intuition. Years ago, we met a man with an indigo aura. In contrast to the Lama, his aura was undeveloped and misty, like a cloud around his head. However, the cloud was so dense that I could barely see his face. Clearly, he was well-practiced in meditation. When I inquired if he was intuitive, he described how he regularly ‘walked with the ascended masters`, the ‘enlightened beings’ who long ago passed from this world into the non-physical realms of spirit. They were always there to provide him with guidance and were clearly visible to him. We visited this man at his home and were surprised when he invited us into his garage. When we stepped through the door, instead of a vehicle, gas cans, and clutter, we were confronted by a beautiful and tranquil spiritual retreat, complete with a rock labyrinth in his backyard that provided a winding spiritual path for his daily walking meditations.

A Tibetan Buddhist Lama that I know has such a mind. Around his head and shoulders, his aura appears as a large indigo coloured oval, reminiscent of the halos that are portrayed in countless paintings of Jesus, the Saints, and Apostles. When I first saw it, it was an amazing gift to perceive an aura in such a highly developed state. It was something I had never seen this before. Immediately, my new goal became to meditate regularly and develop my own mind to the point where my thoughts and emotions are completely under control.
Given the Lama’s more developed indigo aura, one can only guess how much more aware his mind is, compared to the rest of us. With a mind that is so highly developed and disciplined, what amazing and wondrous things that Lama must know and see. In his teachings, he described having achieved a constant state of meditation. Through meditation, he long ago overcame all fear and achieved a permanent state of clarity and bliss. What a goal!!!

Are you still coming from a place of fear? What are your goals with respect to your spiritual development? Perhaps they now include mastering meditation? Mine do!

Aura Color Meanings

Deep Red:
Grounded, realistic, active, strong will-power, survival-oriented. 

Muddied red:
Anger (repelling)
Clear red:
Powerful, energetic, competitive, sexual, and passionate.
Pink-bright and light:
Loving, tender, sensitive, sensual, artistic, affection, purity, compassion; new or revived romantic relationship. 
Can indicate clairaudience. 
Dark and murky pink:
Immature and/or dishonest nature 
Orange Red:
Confidence, creative power
In a good, bright and pure state, red energy can serve as a healthy ego.
Relates to reproductive organs and emotions.
The color of vitality, vigor, good health and excitement.
Lots of energy and stamina, creative, productive, adventurous, courageous, outgoing social nature; currently experiencing stress related to appetites and addictions.
Creative, intelligent, detail oriented, perfectionist, scientific. 
Relates to the spleen and life energy.
It is the color of awakening, inspiration, intelligence and action shared, creative, playful, optimistic, easy-going.
Light or pale yellow:
Emerging psychic and spiritual awareness; optimism and hopefulness; positive excitement about new ideas. 
Bright lemon-yellow:
Struggling to maintain power and control in a personal or business relationship; fear of losing control, prestige, respect, and/or power. 
Clear gold metallic, shiny and bright:
Spiritual energy and power activated and awakened; an inspired person.

Dark brownish yellow or gold:
A student, or one who is straining at studying; overly analytical to the point of feeling fatigued or stressed…
Trying to make up for "lost time" by learning everything all at once.
Relates to heart and lungs.
It is a very comfortable, healthy color of nature.
When seen in the aura this usually represents growth and balance, and most of all, something that leads to change. Love of people, animals, nature; teacher; social.
Bright emerald green:
A healer, also a love-centered person 
Creative with heart, communicative 
Dark or muddy forest green:
Jealousy, resentment, feeling like a victim of the world; blaming self or others…
Insecurity and low self-esteem; lack of understanding personal responsibility; sensitive to perceived criticism 
Relates to the immune system. Sensitive,compassionate, healer, therapist. 
Blue Aura Color:
Relates to the throat, thyroid. Cool, calm, and collected. Caring, loving, love to help others, sensitive, intuitive. 
Soft blue:
Peacefulness, clarity and communication; truthful; intuitive

Bright royal blue:
Clairvoyant; highly spiritual nature; generous; on the right path; new opportunities are coming 
Dark or muddy blue:
Fear of the future; fear of self-expression; fear of facing or speaking the truth 
Relates to the third eye, visual and pituitary gland. Intuitive, sensitive, deep feeling. 
Relates to crown, pineal gland and nervous system.
The most sensitive and wisest of colors.
This is the intuitive color in the aura, and reveals psychic power of attunement with self.
Intuitive, visionary, futuristic, idealistic, artistic, magical.
Draws or pulls energy to it and in so doing, transforms it.
It captures light and consumes it.
Usually indicates long-term unforgiveness (toward others or another) collected in a specific area of the body, which can lead to health problems; also, entities within a person's aura, chakras, or body; past life hurts; unreleased grief from abortions if it appears in the ovaries 
Reflects other energy.
A pure state of light. Often represents a new, not yet designated energy in the aura.
Spiritual, etheric and non-physical qualities, transcendent, higher dimensions. Purity and truth; angelic qualities.
White sparkles or flashes of white light: angels are nearby; can indicate that the person is pregnant or will be soon 
Soil, wood, mineral, plant.
These colors display a love of the Earth, of being grounded and is seen in those who live and work on the, farming, etc. These colors are important and are a good sign. 
Rainbow-colored stripes, sticking out like sunbeams from the hand, head or body:
A Reiki healer, or a star person (someone who is in the first incarnation on Earth)
PASTELS: A sensitive blend of light and color, more so than basic colors. Shows sensitivity and a need for serenity. 
Dirty Brown Overlay:
Holding on to energies. Insecurity. 
Blocking energies. Guardedness.
Imagination, visionary, daydreamer, etheric. 
This is the color of abundance, both spiritual and physical.
Lots of bright silver can reflect to plenty of money, and/or awakening of the cosmic mind.
Bright metallic silver: Receptive to new ideas; intuitive; nurturing 
Dark and muddy gray: Residue of fear is accumulating in the body, with a potential for health problems, especially if gray clusters seen in specific areas of the body 
GOLD AURA COLOR: The color of enlightenment and divine protection. When seen within the aura, it says that the person is being guided by their highest good.

"It is divine guidance. Protection, wisdom, inner knowledge, spiritual mind, intuitive thinker"